Kansas Beef Chat

Learn about how beef gets to your plate & is a nutritious part of a healthy diet.


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cel·e·brate  [sel-uh-breyt]

verb (used with object), cel·e·brat·ed, cel·e·brat·ing.

1. To observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities

2. To make known publicly; proclaim

May is a busy time of year filled with holidays and special occasions just waiting to be celebrated! Making it a perfect time of year to proclaim May as Beef Month! In reality, once I flip my calendar to May there is usually already a list from here to Timbuktu penciling out all the wonderful, fun-filled spring time traditions Americans celebrate.  In my mind there is no better way to celebrate special occasions than by sharing my love affair of BEEF with friends and family. Beef is such a versatile protein source for any meal and regardless of your cooking style; there are countless ways to prepare it. For a few recipe ideas, I recommend BEEF It’s What’s For Dinner.

But before I go any further – I must share why I am proud to celebrate the beef community.

  • 97 percent of beef farms or ranches are family-owned. Working side-by-side my family every day to raise a high quality, wholesome food product to share with my neighbors next door and across the world; that is what my passion for beef is all about and something I’m most proud of!
  • 54 percent of these farms and ranches have been in the same family for three generations or more. It’s a Stinson Tradition! I’m humbled to be the sixth generation to farm the same land that my ancestors pioneered nearly two centuries ago.
  • 64 percent of cattle farmers and ranchers say that they hope to continue the tradition by passing down their farm or ranch to their children. I know my parents have always shared this vision and it’s one that I’ll always hold onto as I embark on my journey to feed the mouths of a growing population in our great nation.

Raising beef is a family tradition and with a calendar full of special occasions this month, each one has been celebrated in a traditional fashion:  Featuring beef as the main attraction!

checking fields

Dad shares his wisdom of ranching with me as we check on a set of heifers together.


Cheers to BEEF and celebrating traditions,


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This One is Ours

By: Heath Larson

It’s the time of year that every cattle rancher has been dreaming about all winter.  It’s time to take the cattle to pasture for the summer!  “Going to grass” is the unofficial first day of summer to me.  Before going to grass, each cow, calf, and steer is vaccinated to prevent disease, tagged and poured to prevent nuisance flies and pests, and given one final checkup before being hauled to pasture.  This year, I was responsible for branding the steers.  Brands, for being little more than a simple mark on an animal, are surprisingly complex.  Each owner has a unique brand, registered with the government, that may be placed on one specific location of their cattle.  But, considering the wandering nature of cattle and the ever present threat of rustling, a permanent brand is the best way for one to look at a wayward steer and say definitively, “This one is mine.”

Another unofficial sign that winter is over is the running of the Boston Marathon.  As the world’s longest continuously run marathon, Boston is truly Mecca for marathoners, and I was fortunate enough to run it for the second time a few weeks ago.  No matter how many races I run, turning onto Boylston Street with the crowds screaming “Go Team Beef!” and seeing the finish line after 26 miles is a memory I will never forget.  Running up Heartbreak Hill, the most famous and difficult hill on the course, is a “gut check” moment unparalleled by any road race.  While I’ve been to a fun college tailgate party or two in my time, there’s few that truly hold a candle to the rowdiness of college students watching the race at Boston College, Tufts, and of course, Wellesley, where the screams from the all-female campus can be heard 1/2 mile away.

Marathon Monday, with all its tradition and history, has also made its mark on the city of Boston…literally.  The finish line on Boylston is permanently painted across the street and remains there year round.  Marathon day is the first day of spring break in Boston, and it seems nearly every front yard becomes a cross between an aid station and a party, offering everything from oranges and bananas to donuts for runners.  Then there are the signs.  From funny (“Hurry up, the Kenyans are drinking your beer”) to inspirational (“Chuck Norris never ran a marathon”) to geeky (Darth Vader holding a sign saying “May the course be with you”), these folks have really taken the time to get creative with their support.  But perhaps the most prevalent sign from this year’s race was a simple declaration stating “This is OUR marathon.”  Boston forever bears the “brand” of the race that has come to define the resilience of their city, and as runners, we forever carry our memories from this iconic race.  This is our marathon.  May it always be so.